just imagining myself from the time i was born till this very hour that i'm typing, i guess there will be no other person who has stayed, cared and loved me the way my mom does. she has been so patient in nurturing me. she has been there for me all through out. she listens when i need someone to listen to me, just listen to my cries. also, she has been my best friend. i love it when she appreciates me, kisses me before i go to bed and comes back to her when i have a bad dream. i am happy that the way we used to be when i was still a kid stayed the same until now, im proud of it! but its funny when she tries to flatter me or tells me that i am not so fat?! i have never gained weight in her eyes even if when i try to weigh myself and have gained pounds, still i am the best for mom. yes! that's how she is, a great mom! moms are moms, and will always be...
Your right moms are moms, and will always be...
Nothing compares to the unconditional love of a mother. A mother is the only person in the world who can truly accept and love us just the way we are. The one who can understand our moods and most of all our hurts. By just looking at you she knows whats wrong.
Being a mother requires on call 24/7 . There's no training or school for motherhood. They just cannot simply quit if they feel they want to or tired of being a mom. Being a mom requires sacrifice. Our mother deserve to be honor and love for all the things they have done for us without asking anything in return. All they want is to see their children happy...
mothers are so geat, imagine they carried us for 9 months in their womb.. they breastfeed us and took care of us even until now, they are there for us to support us in our journey in life. through our ups nd downs, mothers are there to pull us and to be with us through our happy times. they never get sick and tired of comforting us and in giving us the advices.
mothers are wonderwomen. they can help us survive with our problems. they help us all the way without complain.
i could say that mothers are the best. nothing can compare the love, help, support and the care thaT OUR MOTHERS GAVE US. we have only one mother in this world and we should treasure them.
MOTHERS KNOWS BEST. this is what i trully believe. they know what is best for us.
Mother. We have all experienced one. There is probably no relationship as pure as the relationship of a mother and child.
i consider my mom the best mom in the world. i dont know how to thank her for taking good care of me and giving me all the things i need. not only the things i need but also the things i want.
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us, when adversity takes the place of prosperity, when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us, when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
It's true that mothers are really great. I don't anymore have to spell out the things they've done and are constantly doing for their family.
I admit that I often hurt my mom's feeling and it really hurts to see her grieving because of me. Actually, we're not even close because we don't often talk. Imagine, she's working all day and the only chance we have is during Sunday where she would still have to entertain a lot of visitors; so I find it hard approaching her during her rest day. There are things that I want to tell her but I just couldn't because of some strange reasons. But I'm always looking forward to have a mother-and-child conversation with her. Maybe I just need to initiate the conversation since she is too pre-occupied with other things. I want to tell her how much I appreciate her and how much I love her. I never said these words to her but I hope she feels it.
hope your mum will see your post i bet sasabihin nya na ikaw na pinaka sexy na babae sa mundo. hahha! joke lang po. i agree. mums are the greatest. sometimes nga when i sit and just realize things, naiisip ko how difficult it will be pag wala na mum ko. i cannot even imagne. like ur mum, my mum is the best, she may not be as sweet as your mum but my mum is very hard working. she endures all pain just to give us a life more than what wer expecting to have. i may sound selfish but if i were to choose? mas gugustuhin kong mauna mawala ang tatay ko. not because i hate him but because it is really different when a mum is gone. cherish your mum, ur lucky to have her!
i agree with you kathlyn. mothers will always be the best persons in this world. i also have a mother and i very much know on how she loves us and how she really cares for us. that is why no matter what happen, i will continue lovingher and showing her the best that i could. i will definitely choose my mother also more than the other things that may be presented on me. i just hope that you continue loving her on how she loved you when you were young and now that you are already a pretty lady. please tell your mother that i admire her for all the things she has done to you and to your family. i love her and i also will always love my mother.
Moms are human of everything. She has so much power that she works for us in almost anything we deal with. They are always there to take care of us, guide us, where at times we see a strict mom, but nevertheless in times of darkness they are also there to be our friend. They are just one of the greatest gifts God had given us! Thank, Love and Appreciate them, they do deserve it!
hi there. i agree with you, if there's a person who deserves to be treated more than special and more than any others, that would be our mothers. i can't explain it in words what kind of love do they have for us. they are very kind and all that. that is why, we are in great need of showing how much we love them. now that they are here with us, let us express to them that we thank them for bringing us and continue holding us in this world, for without them, we are not here. right now, express also how much you love them by doing concrete things like treating them for a dinner, giving them small presents and others that you know will make them happy. i just hope that everyone has a caring and a loving mother.
Simple question;
"how do you define unscientifically
Our mothers can simply answer
this in a frantic split second
with lips unmoving.
See, that's the art of love
without a word and without
sucking pacifiers through
canned TLC, powdered or smooth-flowin' milk of natural
and profound affection.
From the bosom of their sufferings,
the milk is a metaphor of kindness
with their hearts as pure and white as the driven snow.
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