Sunday, March 25, 2007

fashion/health/beauty & music/entertainment/sports

i enjoyed this colloquim best among all the colloquia that we had, may be because it is the most easygoing to my personality and i guess most of the girls i know. discussing with a lax way just made me feel not so urged attending the event. nonetheless, i agree and have learned from the discussion. we've gotten some tips about fashion, business, music, and some new easy exercises that helps alleviate fats, this really made me all ears to the speaker. moreso, the speakers were really acquianted with their topics, and as if they were really enjoying it.
fashion, as said in the forum, is perishable while style is eternal. I agree! it is most of the time that it is on how you carry yourself and not on what trend you are following 'cause not all that are in craze will complement you.

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